Webinar: An Introduction to the 7th Edition of the Post-Tensioning Manual with Executive Vice President Tim Christle, P.E.
Webinar: Post-Tension Podium Design Considerations
Webinar: Restraint Cracks and their Mitigation in Unbonded Post-tensioned Building Structures
Webinar: Post-Tensioned Design Best Practices – Case Study Examples
Webinar: IRC 2024 Code Change for PT Slabs-on-Ground
Webinar: Resilience of Post-Tensioned Box Girders
Webinar: DC 80.3 The Evaluation and Repair of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures
Webinar: Dual Banded Tendon Layout for Two-Way Post-Tensioned Slabs – A History and the Future
Webinar: High Strength PT Bar Revisited, Reminders, and Recommendations
Webinar: Durable Bonded Post-Tensioning
Webinar: Fundamentals of PT Slab-on-Ground Design - Geotechnical
Webinar: Fundamentals of PT Slab-on-Ground Design - Structural
Webinar: EV Weight: Is it an Issue for Design Loads?
Webinar: Evaluation of Existing Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures (PTI DC-80 Repair, Rehabilitation, and Strengthening Committee)
Webinar: Evaluation of Existing Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures (PTI DC-80 Repair, Rehabilitation, and Strengthening Committee): Exam Only